Introduction to Self Defense Pistol Course - Sunday April 27th - 8am to 2pm

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Product Features & Specifications


Sunday April 27th


After you've taken Handgun 101 or, have some experience but want specific instruction in self defense handgun and concealed carry, this is what you are looking for.

This is a 6 hour range driven course. This course is about how to get your handgun into the fight, what to do with it once you have it there and how to keep it there - or return it - if a malfunction occurs.

You will learn:

To engage the high center chest area of a threat with your handgun from 0 to 15 yards.
To engage the head area of a threat with your handgun.
To safely draw your pistol from a holster, come to the high compressed ready position and extend your pistol to the shooting position.
To reload your pistol from a slide lock - also known as an "emergency reload."
To deal with the most common malfunctions that occur in automatic handguns.
To properly wear, carry and conceal your pistol.
This is your introduction to the world of self defense handgun!



Semiautomatic Pistol.
At least 3 magazines
Outside the waistband holster
Outside the waistband magazine holder - double magazine if possible.
Quality belt
Eye protection
Ear protection
200 rounds of ammunition


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